Saturday 23 April 2011

When you woke me up

i was lying dead on my bed
when you knocked on my door
and woke me up once more
i was tired from work today
when you woke me up just like everyday

i opened up to see your face
i prayed to god please give me a mace
when asked you why you did this thing
you said you wanted to boil something
i tried to think whose face was it that i saw first today
and i remembered you woke me up just like everyday

then again another time
when i was lost in dreams of mine
came again the sound of wood
and behind the door you stood
wanted to know if your daily i took
with anger my whole body shook
i tried to think whose face was it that i saw first today
and i remembered you woke me up just like everyday

i ponder how you manage to
i really wonder everytime you do
and i try to think whose face was it that i saw first today
and i remember you woke me up just like everyday

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